12 Benefits of Owning a Fireplace

Fall is here, and temperatures are dropping at night. Pumpkin spice lattes, butternut squash soup and carving jack-o-lanterns are on our minds. Boots are out. Days are getting shorter. It is the season for gearing up for a long winter ahead. And with that comes moments of craving a warm fireplace on crisp fall evenings in Denver and Boulder Colorado…or preparing for that hearth addition.

As leaders in the Denver-area hearth industry since 1978, we have compiled a list of reasons why a fireplace, stove, or insert will enhance the quality of life in your home this upcoming winter season and for years to come.

  1. Eco-friendly. Our selection of fireplaces and inserts are “green-burning.” If you have a respiratory or allergy issue, particles and ash in the air of your home are not an issue. Our gas appliances are “complete combustion,” meaning we are not putting particles in the air.
  2. Did you know that 80% of the heat of a traditional, open fireplace goes out the chimney? But our fireplaces are sealed, contained vacuums. Our hearth models prevent heat loss and create energy-efficient zone heating spaces in your home. Set a thermostat for that perfect comfort level!
  3. Energy Independence. Don’t depend on Xcel, again. Control your energy levels. A hearth selection from IHT burns a quarter of the heat that fuel from your furnace uses. Manage your fuel use this winter while lowering your environmental footprint.
  4. Colorado’s unique climate of warm days and cool nights makes using a heater confusing sometimes. Save energy and money by leaving the heat off and using the fireplace when temperatures plunge at night.
  5. The winter snow storm takes down the power lines and suddenly you are without electricity.  Now what? With a fireplace, stay warm and have a romantic source of light. Don’t freeze while waiting for Xcel 🙂 Some hearth models have battery backups installed in case you lose power. You have a heater that actually works when the furnace doesn’t.
  6. Are any of the rooms in your home in cold, drafty areas away from the furnace? Heat that room adequately with the use of a hearth selection. Instead of avoiding that room, invest in a heating system!
  7. Interior Design and increased home value. Potential homeowners seek a quality fireplace above most other features. Get more value for less.Then there’s the FUN aspects…
  8. Cozy memories. Because space heaters just aren’t as sexy. Whether it’s a gas insert, electric fireplace, or open hearth, warm up after a long day on the ski slopes with friends and loved ones. Or unwind after a long workday with a favorite book or craft project. Play board games and share stories with the kids. And it all gets better in front of a fire. Make your house a cozy home with a central gathering area.
  9. Cheerful atmosphere. Few things are more romantic than snuggling with your partner with a hot drink or glass of wine… just sit by the fireplace 🙂 The glow of the fireplace creates a mood of relaxation. The instant ambiance creates a space for great family time and community bonding. People are attracted to fire. There is something mesmerizing about it…soothing…comforting.
  10. Enjoy your novel even more. A fireplace is the dream reading experience with a cup of tea.
  11. Camping Adventures When It’s Too Cold Outside. Set up the sleeping bags with the kiddos and break out the s’mores. In front of the fire is the perfect indoor location.
  12. A warm spot for your fur babies. They get chilly too.

BONUS. Snugglefests. That’s all.

Give yourself a sense of healing and well-being 20 minutes daily this fall and winter season for a lifetime of well-being.

Learn more about IHT fireplaces and let the snugglefest begin.

Sloan Blanton

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