A Hot Tub Can Boost Your Immune System

Modern life is so hectic. There are just so many things to do at the workplace, and even more to do at home. Jobs, goals, social commitments, kids, and so many other things make day-to-day life very chaotic. In the end, there’s no time for ourselves. And when we don’t focus on ourselves, we lose track of our health. Stress, anxiety, depression, diabetes, hypertension—the list goes on and on. Our immune systems work overtime to keep germs and pathogens out, but with time they weaken. But what can be done? While you surely know that hot tubs are relaxing, did you also know that a hot tub can boost your immune system?

Boost Your Family’s Immunity by Reducing Stress

As we all know, communication is key to any healthy relationship. Nowadays, many of us don’t spend enough time talking and listening. Think about it—when was the last time you spent an hour talking to your partner or kids in a relaxed atmosphere?  

Spend a few minutes in your hot tub with your family, and see what happens. The soothing warm water and the massage jets ease the tensions of the day. Long-term stress weakens your immune system because stress decreases the number of white blood cells called lymphocytes responsible for fighting diseases. Soaking in your hot tub with your family  can help your family raise their immunity levels by reducing long-term stress. Even better—family communication improves.

Help Your Family Sleep Their Worries Away

It is estimated that sleep-related problems affect 50 to 70 million Americans of all ages and socioeconomic classes. If you don’t get enough sleep, you open yourself up to infections. Good sleep improves the number of T cells that fight infections. Lack of adequate sleep reduces Cytokines and cells that fight infections.

Hot tubs can help your family’s immune system by promoting good sleep because the warm water relaxes the body and mind. A few minutes in the hot tub with your family with aromatherapy in a softly lit setting will totally relax all. A relaxed mind can sleep better. And better sleep leads to a better immune system.

Banish Pain and Boost Immunity 

Chronic pain can affect your family’s immunity. With a combination of water buoyancy, heat, and massages, a hot tub relaxes muscles. Since we’re lighter in water, the pressure on our joints is lessened. Regular hot tub sessions bring down the pain in muscles and stiff joints. By bringing down pain, your immune system gets a boost.

Boost Your Immune System by Getting a Hot Tub Today

HT Hot Tubs & Fireplaces offers a wide range of spas from Caldera® Spas, Hot Spring® Spas, BestLife® Hot Tubs, and more. You’re sure to find the perfect hot tub for boosting your family’s immune systems. Stop in and see us or give us a call at 303-296-7727 to talk to our hot tub experts. They can tell you more about the benefits of soaking in the hot tub and get you fully acquainted with the wide range of options.



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