Get a Fireplace for a Toasty Good Time Through the Colorado Winter

Are the shorter, colder days starting to get to you? At IHT Hot Tubs & Fireplaces, we know the winter blues can really get to anyone quickly. That’s why having a game plan to brighten the dreary winter months here in Denver is key. Our experts have pooled their best ideas of how to boost our serotonin output this winter while staying warm around our fireplace, and we wanted to share these tips for you to enjoy, too!

Make Yummy Snacks Around Your Fireplace

The most obvious way to enjoy your fireplace as a group is to make s’mores! YUM! There is nothing like a bit of chocolate and melted marshmallow to boost your mood. If you have a wood-burning fireplace or gas fireplace, you can sit back and roast your marshmallows with loved ones right in your home. (We recommend putting down an old blanket or towel or a plastic tablecloth just in case of a mess.) 

If you have an electric fireplace, you can still roast marshmallows in your home, just not over the fire. Use your oven instead. If you have a gas stove, turn on a burner and roast the marshmallow over the flames. You can also place marshmallows in an oven-safe baking dish and use the broiler to roast them. Either way, toast them just how you like and assemble your s’mores in the kitchen before relaxing in front of your fireplace. Don’t forget a steaming cup of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and marshmallows. If you have a favorite recipe, please share it with us.

Read a Book Out Loud with Your Loved Ones

Sometimes, slowing down to read a book can seem impossible in our modern, fast-paced world. Take time this winter to slow down and enjoy some quality story time. Choose a fun book everyone will love. Use funny voices to narrate the story if you have younger children listening. You can even take turns reading if you like. Cuddle up in blankets around the fireplace and enjoy being together. Your family will remember these days with the fondest affection.

Play Your Favorite Card or Board Games

Another great bonding activity is to play a game of some form near the fireplace. No matter which type of fireplace you have, it will set the mood for everyone to be calm and warm. Pull out your favorite game to play with friends or family and enjoy each other’s company. You can even set a night or two of the week as game night and everyone can look forward to it all week long.

Watch a Holiday Movie in Front of Your Fireplace

Our favorite thing to do on a cold winter night is to snuggle up with our families and watch a holiday movie in front of the fire. There is something quaint and calming about it. Enjoying the closeness of your loved ones, knowing you are safe and warm in your home, is the ultimate peaceful moment.

No matter what you choose to do to enjoy these winter months, IHT would love to hear about it. Send us photos on our Facebook page of how you and your loved ones are enjoying your fireplace at home! If you need a fireplace to enable these picturesque moments, stop by our store and let our experts help you find the perfect fireplace to fit your needs and budget this year. It couldn’t be easier to get a fireplace for a toasty good time through the Colorado winter.

Before you know it, spring will have arrived!

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