5 Wellness Tips for Hot Tubs

Have you been looking to get a hot tub of your very own but are nervous about utilizing it well? IHT knows it is really pretty simple! Hot tubs are a great asset to have to bring calm and relaxation to your life. It is great to be able to come home after a busy, stressful day and relax for a bit in your hot tub. With just a few tips, you will enjoy all the wellness benefits of hot tub ownership in no time. 

1. Only soak for 15 to 20 minutes at a time.

While it can be tempting to stay in your hot tub for a long time to enjoy its relaxing atmosphere, it is best to only spend 15-20 minutes at a time in it. This will help you maximize the wellness benefit of your hot tub.

Staying in for 15-20 minutes lets your muscles relax and stress leave your body without overheating your body or risking dehydration. Feeling relaxed, you can take care of some work, enjoy dinner, and have another hot tub soak before bed if you like.

2. Drink water to maintain wellness while using your hot tub.

While you are hopping in and out of your hot tub, grab some water! It is always a  good idea to stay hydrated, while you are in your hot tub.

Having some water nearby to sip will help you maximize the wellness benefit of your hot tub without dehydrating your body. Drinking water or a lovely herbal tea will help your body relax further and help keep you relaxed longer. And honestly, we know most of us could use a bit more water in our lives anyways.

3. Keep the hot tub temperature around 102 degrees F.

As you prepare your hot tub, keeping the temperature in the right setting is important. Most people prefer 100 to 102 degrees F, but you find the setting that feels best for you. It is best, though, to stay under 104 degrees. Having the temperature at the correct setting will maximize your wellness benefit and your relaxation. At IHT, we have a great selection of spas with the latest innovative technology to give you a hot tub with the best ease of use. You may want to lower the temperature a bit during the hot summer months.

4. Soak a little before bed to improve your overall wellness with better sleep.

Sleep is something we all need more of, or at least better quality sleep. Soaking in a hot tub before bed will allow your body to be the most relaxed as you are going to sleep. This will help give you the best sleep you can get and help you feel refreshed and ready for the day when you wake up. Better sleep means more energy and better concentration. Better sleep is a wellness benefit everyone can use. 

5. Keep warm around your hot tub when it is cold.

One of the wonderful things about hot tubs is that you can use them year-round. Using them when it is cold outside can pose a few wellness concerns, though. Make sure you have something warm to throw on when you get out of the hot tub, like a towel, thick robe, and possibly fleece lined slipper boots. That way, your body isn’t shocked by the cold while heading back inside your home. 


IHT has a great selection of hot tubs to help create a relaxing oasis for you to unwind. Visit us and let us help you with this great decision for your life. Start your wellness journey today.

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